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Value Congruence, Identity and Adaptation in Immigrants to Canada


You have been invited to participate in a research study titled: “Value Congruence, Identity, Adaptation and Well-being in Immigrants in Canada.'' This study is being conducted to understand factors that contribute to how immigrants might integrate their identity and its effect on their adaptation. Immigrants encounter multiple changes in a different geographical and cultural setting, which might include change in values. We are interested in understanding how shifts in values might affect an immigrant's sense of identity and adaptation, as well as psychological factors that might support identity. 

Please, carefully read the following information before proceeding with the survey. 



If you volunteer to participate in this study, you will be asked the following things: 

Complete an online survey that will take about 20 minutes. The online survey tool used is LimeSurvey, hosted on UPEI server which is firewall protected. The questions are related to the values you have, your sense of identity, how you think about your experiences and your feelings of well-being. We will also ask a few demographic questions about your background. 



You will be asked to think about your experiences as an immigrant to Canada, which for some people can cause mild discomfort. If this happens, there will be some resources provided to you at the end of the survey. 



Although there may not be any substantial immediate benefits to you, the opportunity to reflect on these issues may be interesting and help you think about your cultural identity and some of your values. At the end of the survey, we will provide some resources that might be helpful for coping and thriving with any form of discomfort. 



There is no payment for participation. However, individuals who complete the survey are eligible to participate in a draw including four $50 Amazon gift e-cards. Participants who wish to partake in the draw may include their email address in a link provided at the end of the survey. All emails collected will be compiled and coded to protect confidentiality. Email codes will be entered into a random winner generator. Winners of the draw will be contacted via email and sent the link to one Amazon gift e-card. Email addresses will be deleted once all Amazon e-gift cards are sent out.



Your answers to the questions will remain anonymous and confidential within the limits of the law. To ensure confidentiality and anonymity, you will not be asked to provide any identifiable information on the survey, such as name or city of residence. No personal information will be collected as part of this research. Your survey responses will be entered into a data file with all other data. Data will be hosted on UPEI server which is firewall protected. Individual information will not be released to any third parties. To ensure anonymity, no one will be identified through written material. 



You will have an opportunity to receive feedback on the results of this study. At the end of the survey, another link will be available to you if you desire to receive the results of the study. Only emails will be requested. These emails are stored in a different data file and connot be linked to the survey information you completed. You are under no obligation to submit your email-- but this is a way we can send information for those participants who want to receive feedback from the study. Note that we cannot give individual feedback and that the results will be given in aggregated and summarized format. Once the emails are sent with feedback, the data file and your information will be destroyed. Your information will not be shared with anyone and only the primary researcher and research supervisor will have access. 



You can choose whether to be in this study or not. If you volunteer to be in this study, you may withdraw at any time without consequences of any kind. You may also refuse to answer any question you don't want to answer and still remain in the study. However, you are encouraged to answer as completely as possible. Once you have advanced to a new page in the survey you cannot withdraw your answers, however, closing your browser will end your participation beyond that point. The investigator may withdraw your information from this research if circumstances arise that warrant doing so. 



You may withdraw your consent at anytime and discontinue your participation without penalty. If you have any questions or concerns about this research project, you may consult with either Joy Nnadi at or Dr. Raquel Hoersting at 

This research has received the approval of University of Prince Edward Island's Research Ethics Board. Any concerns about the ethical aspects of your involvement in this research project may be directed to the UPEI REB phone no. (902) 620-5104 or email: 

Participant Consent Form

You have been invited to participate in a research study titled: "Value Congruence, Identity, Adaptation and Well-being in Immigrants to Canada". The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between value congruence and immigrant well-being and adaptation. This study is being conducted by Joy Nnadi, under the supervision of Dr. Raquel Hoersting from the Department of Psychology at the University of Prince Edward Island. If you have any questions or concerns about the research, please feel free to contact either Joy Nnadi at or Dr. Raquel Hoersting at 

After carefully reading the information on the previous page, I understand that: 

  • I can contact the UPEI Research Ethics Board at (902) 620-5104 or by email at if I have any concerns about the ethical conduct of this study. 

  • I am not required to answer any questions that I do not wish to answer and that I may withdraw from study at any time with no penalty. 

  • I can print a copy of this form. 

  • My information will be kept confidential within the limits of the law. 

My questions have been answered to my satisfaction and I agree to participate in this study. My consent to participate is presumed when I click "NEXT" to the survey page. 

Please print a copy of this page for your records. 

If you consent to participate in the study (i.e. choose to continue) please click the "Continue" button. If you decide to not participate, please click the "Exit" button. 

Also, if at any point during the survey you wish to withdraw, please do so using the "Exit" button at the bottom of the page. 

This survey is anonymous.

The record of your survey responses does not contain any identifying information about you, unless a specific survey question explicitly asked for it.

If you used an identifying token to access this survey, please rest assured that this token will not be stored together with your responses. It is managed in a separate database and will only be updated to indicate whether you did (or did not) complete this survey. There is no way of matching identification tokens with survey responses.